Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Audience Theory

  • Will your intended message get across to the audience?
Yes it will, my advert is very short and is roughly 30 seconds long therefore I have a small amount of time to promote my product. All I need to really get across is that I am selling a perfume for women only, it is a very feminine fragrance.  

  • What barriers will there be?
Audience may not get the intended meaning the producer had hoped for and wanted to get across. In relation to my media product, there are certain barriers that I will face. As my chosen brief is an advert, there are certain disadvantages along with it. I only have a short amount of time to promote my product to an audience therefore I had to think carefully about what I needed to include. One barrier is that I need to be able to have an audience engaged throughout the duration of my advert, this is challenging as adverts are so short, it is hard to gain attention quick enough. However, I could also be at an advantage here as it is not a long period of time for an audience to stay focused as my advert is only 30 seconds long. 

  • How to overcome certain barriers
I will overcome these barriers by ensuring that I reinforce my message as well as I can. As my advert is short, I have made sure that I have included aspects of all my research about  making an effective advert. 
  • What factors might influence this message?
  • What theory do you agree with?
I agree with the Hypodermic Needle theory the most as I believe that this theory is the most relevant and realistic in the 21st century. I also did some research on this particular theory and how it relates to my current media project.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Sponsorship Sequence - What programme should it sponsor?

My sponsorship sequence is an advert promoting a perfume, therefore a feminine and slightly provocative advert. I have to choose carefully what TV programme it would sponsor and what time it would be aired. I probably would not choose for it to sponsor a family programme (mainly for very small children) because of its provocative nature. After 9pm, it would be suitable for adults and teenagers to watch my sponsorship advert as I feel that it is an appropriate age range for my sequence. 

 My sponsorship sequence will be sponsoring a programme that matches my target audience (18-25). I have decided that this is the best option because it would not work if my sequence was to sponsor a programme for younger children/teenagers as I want my perfume to be recognised by my target audience. An example of a programme my sequence would sponsor would be Vampire Diaries as this programme fits in with my target audience and the programme is mostly aimed at more females than males. My sequence would have to sponsor a feminine programme as my perfume is for females, men would not be interested in watching my perfume sequence because it is not relevant to them.