Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Why were adverts made?

The purpose of adverts is to make a product or service known to potential consumers. Moreover, adverts ensure that consumers are constantly familiar with the product/brand/service which entices customers to continue purchasing from that company. There are many ways to advertise a product/service, for example: print, digital, radio, broadcast etc.

Through my research of looking into why adverts were made, I can clearly pick out that adverts heavily portray who their target audience is. For my advert to be successful, I regard focusing on my target audience a top priority as the most memorable and successful adverts evidently show their target audience. I also must consider my target audience before my planning process as it will allow me to create mood boards/storyboards focusing around my chosen audience range. 

Below I have looked at two adverts that focus heavily on one specific target audience: Female and Males. 

Herbal Essences - Take Your Hair To Paradise: Wild Naturals


2012 Snickers Commercial 'Get Some Nuts'

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